Russian Future Tense (Imperfective and Perfecive): Formation and Usage

See the lesson HERE.

The Imperfective Future: A, C, E
The Perfective Future: B, D, F, G

A. I will always love you.
Here we use the Imperfective Future, because the word "always" denotes a repeated action:
Я всегда́ бу́ду люби́ть тебя́.

B. We will definitely buy this house.
Here we use the Perfective Future, because the word "definitely" let us know that the result will be achieved: the house will be built:
Мы обяза́тельно ку́пим э́тот дом.

C. Will you be working at 7 p.m.?
Here we should use the Imperfective Future for expressing a process:
Ты бу́дешь рабо́тать в семь ве́чера?

D. My mother will come back by 10 p.m.
The action "to come back" will have been completed by 10 p.m., that's why here we should use the Perfective Future:
Моя́ ма́ма вернётся к десяти́ ве́чера.

E. I will not help you, because I don’t want and you don’t deserve.
The actions that will not be done because of lack of desire or intention are usually expressed with the Imperfective Future:
Я не бу́ду помога́ть тебе́, потому́ что не хочу́, и ты э́того не заслу́живаешь.

F. He will not able to help you.
The actions that will not be performed because of impossibility or someone's inability are usually denoted with the Perfective Future:
Я не смогу́ тебе́ помо́чь.
Я тебе́ не помогу́.

G. They will buy 2 cars.
We know the exact amount of bought cars. After that these 2 cars will have been bought, they will not buy cars anymore. So this action will be completed. As a rule, in situations like this we use the Perfective Future:
Они́ ку́пят две маши́ны.


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